Monday 28 October 2013

What's your Angle?

As an avid reader of articles and commentaries in every form of media one of the first checks I make to try and establish the likelihood that the information is bonifide- or not- is to check the source. 

One of the blogs I read claims to try and give a balanced account in their reporting although its' founder does admit that "we have a frustration all conservatives have", which is "the bias in media against conservatives, religious conservatives, [and] Christian conservatives" and so I have to take an extra large pinch of salt when I read their articles.

That being said I guess I had expected more of them than their recent article on NSA spying on foreign nationals in general and Frau Merkel specifically. 

The cause of my dismay is that they chose to use quotes from "Bild am Sonntag" to legitimise their claims that Obama not only knew that the NSA was bugging foreign national's phones, but that he had specifically asked them to bug Frau Merkel.

Now using Bild am Sonntag as your source of information is one step above using the National Enquirer.  A small step I might add.  It is the lowest common denominator of the intellectual capacity of the "mob"-apart from their sports pages which are actually quite entertaining.

So why did they choose to quote Bild Zeitung using an article predicated on a report from unnamed sources inside the NSA?

"Unnamed" sources from the NSA would be breaking their confidentiality clauses and given the nature of their employer quite likely could be construed to be committing treason-but that is sort of beside the point.  Itis extremely likely that anyone within the NSA willing to offer information harmful to Obama is doing so exactly to harm Obama-casting extreme doubt on the veracity of their claims. 

The idea that a member of the NSA would be so against Obamba that they would damage not only Obama but the relationship of the US with one of our most important allies sounds very similar to the mindset that was willing to close the US government and even risk default just to attack Obama. 

What is even more curious is that in indicting Obama they also had to indict G"W" Bush.  Throwing Obama and Bush into the same pot is a bit strange- unless you are just outright anti-US so I wonder just what this "unnamed" source was trying to achieve.

Of course that presumes that there was as unnamed source.

Which takes me back to my original question: why did this conservative blog choose to quote Bild am Sonntag in the first place and what were they trying to achieve.

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