Saturday, 19 March 2011

And For My Next Trick.....

Despite my many concerns about the state of the world in general and the dog's breakfast which makes up the moral and legal cesspool of much of the financial industry I have been coaxed out of retirement by an offer to build a Fixed Income business for a newcomer to the European markets.

I will admit I was somewhat ambivalent given that I am throughly enjoying myself and the freedoms granted me by retirement so the decision was not an easy one.

That being said being retired put me essentially in the position of being in the "Opposition". Now I will be "back in power" as it were which will bring more opportunities, and of course challenges.

I will endeavour to write albeit most likely less frequently in the first instance. In any event I will certainly bring a closer focus to the markets while trying to maintain a socio-political perspective, so please do keep reading.


  1. I hope you do keep posting. Your recent reflections on Cuba and southern California, and on the middle East (Bahrain as a proxy war for Iran and Saudi Arabia) have been very interesting. And who knew you identified as a social democrat?

  2. Thanks. I have every intention to do so-just need to figure it out.
