Tuesday, 2 December 2014

At Least He Can Be Voted Out....

James Mountain "Jim" Inhofe was the highest ranking Senate Minority Member on the Committee on Environment and Public Works.  As such he is a strong candidate to be the Chairman of said group following the Senate's successful election results.

In 2012 "Jim" was quoted on Voice of Christian Youth Radio Program "...that human influenced climate change is a hoax and impossible because 'God is still up there' and it is 'outrageous' and arrogant for people to believe human beings are 'able to change what He is doing to the climate."

Oh really Jim?

In an earlier speech he had previously compared the United States Environmental Protection Agency to the Gestapo and had compared EPA Administrator Carol Browner to Tokyo Rose.

He also repeatedly accused the EPA as following Hitler's "the bigger lie" theory that if you repeat an outrageous lie loudly and often enough people will believe you.

This from a man who makes outrageous statements referencing scientific journals and reports that don't support his comments.

But leaving the best for last, he claimed that Global Warming is "the second largest hoax ever played on the American people, after the separation of church and state".

C'mon Jim.

We just celebrated the truly American holiday of Thanksgiving. It is in celebration of the Pilgrim Fathers, who, having fled religious persecution in England, gave thanks to having survived the onslaught of a New England winter.  Through that very survival they were able to maintain the credo of "freedom of religion" as one of the founding tenets of American beliefs which, morphed into the separation of Church and State.

I am astounded that in the 21st Century a ranking Senate Member would make such outlandish statements.

And then I remember that along with freedom of religion, separation of church and state also comes an electoral process.

One can therefore over time only hope that the good citizens of Oklahoma will wake up and realize that they are being represented by a populist who speaks their "language" and whose campaigns are bankrolled by the oil, gas, and electricity industries as well as leadership PAC's, whatever they might be.

And yes, i am still in pursuit of the non-secular....

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