Tuesday, 29 September 2015

What Was VW Thinking?

In my years on Wall Street it was always said that Fear and Greed were the driving forces which led to the massive excesses which occur with disturbing regularity.

That they would drive the management of VW to the same excesses was something that was not supposed to happen.  Manufacturing industries still make things and the quality, and the nature of the products were there for all to see. 

There were no structured products; no sub-prime mortgages; no power caps; no inverse floaters; in short no financial engineering to create opaque financings where the bank was always the house and the clients always the mugs.

And then VW decided that engineering is engineering and if a financial construct could be used to circumvent regulations then an engineering construct could do the same.

Create a bit of kit that initiates emission controls when required, and turns them off under normal driving conditions.  (Criminally) Brilliant!

This is an intelligent bit of software.  It bypassed regulatory emissions tests for years.  No one believed the figures as everyone knew that the test results were done under circumstances far and away from actual driving conditions.

But I don't think anyone in their wildest imagination ever considered that the test results were achieved by a piece of software that would  turn on the "cleaning" equipment thus complying with the emission standards, and then automatically turn them off  allowing the engines to run without any emission controls at all.

It's not fudging.  It's not exaggerating.  It is pure and simple actively and consciously contravening the regulations. 

It is criminal.

And the fallout could have global repercussions. 

I can only hope that this actually is the first nail in the coffin of the internal combustion engine. 

Electric cars will remove a significant amount of pollution.  Of course we still need to deal with how that electricity is generated, but that is a discussion for another blog.


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