Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Little Britain

I have been so overwhelmed by the cascade of garbage emanating from the White House and certain parts of Capitol Hill that I have found it difficult to reflect on anything else thus putting what I view to be one of the most self-destructive acts undertaken by a sovereign state into the shadows.

Of course I am referring to brexit.

I am not going to go over all of the inanities of the the referendum. I am not going to fall into the category of a "remoaner" as the brexiteers like to tar anyone who was against brexit from the beginning and is still incredulous at the we've drunk the kool-aid and brexit means brexit brigade.


I am going to quote Tony Blair, who, for all his faults, came out with a concise description of where we are.

The brexiteers have made the decision that they don't like the house they are currently living in because the "utilities" are somehow controlled by people who don't live in their neighborhood. Their solution is to sell their homes without ever having looked at what their new home will look like, how much it will cost, what repairs will be necessary and whether the "utilities" will be any better once they are controlled by their neighborhood.

But I can report that the brexiteers tell me that I am wrong, that Tony Blair is certainly wrong, and then continue to bleat their brexit means brexit refrain.

I therefore now have chosen a different tact.

I tell them how happy I am that brexit means brexit and that now the NHS will finally get the funding it requires as brexit means Britain will save £350 million a week which will be put into the NHS.

You guessed it. They look at me with a perplexed look and tell me that I can't possibly believe that the NHS is really going to get £350 million a week.

And I can't possibly believe that they really voted for brexit.

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