Friday 1 November 2013

Scary Stuff Part II

Despite the negative tone of yesterday's post, especially as regards the need to care for an ageing population and the need to feed ever larger numbers of people I didn't want to give the impression that I am a pessimist for the future of mankind and can only see a dystopian future.

Debt ratios and income inequality are financial constructs and can be dealt with either through the ballot box, rational government, or revolution.

An ageing population will require increased levels of care, regardless of the cost.  Feeding a growing population will require increased productivity, and dare I say it-managed population growth.

If there is one thing our history has shown so far is that we are not only able to be our own worst enemy with relation to one another and our planet, we are also incredibly resourceful.  I will admit that although the swings of the pendulum seem to take us closer and closer to self annihilation, we also always catch ourselves at the brink and come back to the middle.

Its called mean reversal.

It's a natural state. 

That doesn't mean that there won't be casualties along the way, that it will always be bright and sunny.  But it does mean that after trying everything else we will eventually hit upon the right path, until the next major fork in the road.

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