Monday, 10 February 2020

The Saga Continues...

The FDP Minister President for Thuringia has indeed resigned although will run a caretaker government until a decision is made as to how to go forward.

It is not a good story.

The FDP continues to blame everyone but themselves for having accepted the poisoned chalice.

The AfD makes noises that if the Linke candidate, former Minister President Ramelow, is put to another vote they will get behind him and so put the Linke into the same position as the FDP (although with 22% of the vote the Linke has a claim)in that they will vote for Ramelow.

This is classic National Socialist disruption. Bjoern Hoecke should know. It has been legally cleared that he can be called a fascist. This has quickly morphed into him being openly called a Nazi. The trouble with this is that it has taken the entire discussion to the level of Nazi propaganda which is exactly where they want it to be. Fascists revel in crude, vile language- something we have experienced in the USA-while the rest of us try and reason and point out inconsistencies and outright lies.

You can't fight bloody-mindedness with lectures. People who base their decisions on emotion don't care about the "truth" because for them they are the truth.
The traditional parties of the center had better get a grip on this or Germany too will descend into a hell of fascists on the one side, and socialist/communists on the other fighting it out in the streets.

We have seen this before, and again, the fascists not only embrace violence in their speech, but have also never been known to be shy to escalate their language in physical intimidation.

There is a reason we study history and this seems to be rapidly turning into the late 20's.

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