Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Time to Start Thinking About the Revolution

Forget about the challenges in Thuringia and the upheaval caused on the back of it.

Is anyone watching the systematic destruction of democracy in the USA?

It is true that the Democrats only have themselves to blame by removing the requirement of 60 votes to approve executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments to a simple majority. By so doing they opened the door for the Republicans to extend the simple majority to nominations for the Supreme Court.

This was the beginning of the attack on the judicial branch of government.

The failed impeachment process- and frankly the result was never going to be anything but an acquittal- has now allowed Trump through his minion Barr in the Justice Department to essentially remove the rule of law as regards anyone Trump wishes to protect.

By extension, I have to assume that the Justice Department can just as easily remove the rule of law for anyone Trump wishes to attack.

The next question is whose side are the police on?

On whose side are the military?

And why is it that just the right wing arms itself and forms militias.

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